Curglaff. A Scottish word for the sound you make upon entering cold water. Best enjoyed with friends.

Curglaff. A Scottish word for the sound you make upon entering cold water. Best enjoyed with friends.
A high tide has caused heavy ropes to wind up on the rocks at the beach.
Gorgeous chilly dip. Cold with a few waves to bounce around in. Stunning sunrise.
Quite the morning. We had a pre-storm Éowyn dip in the rough sea. One person lost a hat, which I managed to catch in the water. Another lost a shoe but luckily found it. Good fun.
A cold, feels like -2, run this morning. Tide was far out so we ran round the back of the lighthouse. Great sunrise.
Enjoyed a 10k run while Santa’s clones went paddle boarding.
Morning run. After 14 months my knees are good enough to do a slow 5k and I’m loving it. So good to be back out there watching the dawn light fade to the beauty of British grey drizzle on an autumnal morning. There’s no bad weather. Everything is interesting to a curious photographer with ADHD.
Delighted to see this singular cloud floating above the Liverpool skyline after my run. First 5km in 14 months too. Felt great. No issues getting back into running.