This is a shot I return to every year, mainly because its so far away that I can’t just nip there and reshoot it. Every time I feel I make it better. There was this version 3 years ago with blown out sky but nice contrast. Then this version last year with HDR to reduce the blown sky issue but left it lacking contrast. Now I’ve done this version. No blown out sky and just enough contrast I think. I really need to go back up there after I get the 5Dm2 and 17-40L. The one thing thats lacking is sharpness. That crisp pin sharp landscape look you would find in Ansel Adams work.

8 responses

  1. This one is def. your best yet.

  2. I agree this is the best of the three. Great impact and contrast yet it holds the best detail. You are improving.
    Ansel Adams watch out – this is a great shot.

  3. Great Contrast, i like the Gent in the bottom left.

    Good Shot.

  4. I prefer this of the three; a lovely sparkle to the highlights, although I think the underside of the clouds and very tops of the hills are a bit clogged up.

    To be fair to your gear, Adams was shooting 5×4/10×8!

  5. incredible photo….great contrast..

  6. Absolutely wonderful and very well done. Bravo!

  7. It’s interesting seeing 3 versions of the same image. The latest is definately the best which is a great demonstration of progress.

  8. Lovely treatment!! Great HDR, fantastic work 🙂