(Pete Carr)

One of my favourite streets in Liverpool is Bold Street. Yesterday the top half was closed off and temporarily pedestrianised. It made a huge difference to the street and I hope the street is pedestrianised in the future. I saw a man pushing a woman in a wheel chair down the middle of the street. They had free access and room to move instead of being squished along the narrow awkward pavement. It was also great to see places like Leaf trading on their doorstep.

 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)

This wasn’t street theatre as part of the festival. This was a real bride and bridesmaid heading all the way up Bold Street to her wedding at St Lukes. No-one knew whether it was a performance piece or not. It’s Bold St after all and I’ve seen Angels scooting round on Segways.

 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)
 (Pete Carr)