Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

Brouhaha Parade

This is the start of a 3 day slideshow, at the very least. I think all in all I had about 250 images from Saturday that I really felt were usable. Induvidually that would be enough content for my site till mid 2008. I think people would find that a bit boring though so I’m going to try and push through them as quickly as possible, in the best way possible. I’ve got some shots that stand out on there own and I will be publishing them on their own.

In other news, the images I licensed to Bench have gone live on their site. Great client to deal with, very nice. Its great to see my work used in this way. It’ll be on their website, in magazines and in 600 stores around Europe. If you don’t recognise the shots they used this one of Toronto and also the first sky scraper shot in this batch. I had previously converted them to black and white for use in Another Late Night’s magazine, which is where they saw them.