2nd February, 2008. The inner section of the Museum of Liverpool is growing fast, but the two main galleries are yet to be built.
16th February, 2008. Progress is made on constructing the two main galleries.
29th May, 2008. A massive difference since February. You can really see the shape of the museum now. Taken on top of the Hilton Hotel.
2nd July, 2008. The larger cranes have gone since I last took a photo from this angle. It’s just the museum now.
19th July, 2008. A lot more of the inner covering has been put on.
21st July, 2008. A close up view from the river during the Tall Ships event.
3rd October, 2008. The museum is starting to look less like a frame and more like a building now.
3rd October, 2008. Angle showing the roof. The circle in the middle is where the stunning staircase will be.
18th October, 2008. The outer cladding is applied to the museum.
28th October, 2008. A close up view showing some of the interior.