The Christmas Market opened in town yesterday. Its nice to see and walk around but I dunno, I’m just a little irritated. I’ve seen photos of Edinburghs and I was there last year. Upon arrival it snowed and it wasn’t fake snow. When you’re standing in Edinburgh with real snow falling, a big wheel, fairground lights, and street photography at every turn its a bit disheartening walking around Liverpool’s. The really really annoying thing is that there are plenty of moments out there in Liverpool to capture its just that because I’m feeling like the grass is greener up in Edinburgh I’m not in the right frame of mind to capture them. I’m also thinking that my 30D is inadequate compared to the 5D2 I have pre-ordered. Its all incredibly stupid and I should know better but its hard to shake. This time of year is brilliant for low light street photography. All the streets are lit up and it gets dark when the streets are teeming with life. I may even rent a lens for fun and I’m half tempted to spend the next few weeks with nothing but the 50mm on just because its so awesome and it makes you work for your shots in ways that the 24-70 makes you comfy.

5 responses

  1. Have you been to Manchester’s market………… ( legs it )

    No seriously great place for some dusk photography on the Christmas market and its pretty big to………

  2. Yep I agree. Manchester’s Christmas Market is fantastic. I went last year on a friday evening and I felt like I was in Austria après ski. I was quite drunk though 🙂

  3. I know the feeling, Edinburgh is one of the few places in this country that feels truly continental, Bath is another. I personally think there are nothing quite like Georgian buildings, some of the best bits of Liverpool have these but many have gone, there is very little else in Edinburgh (and a castle and park right in the middle of town).

  4. I happened to have visited the Manchester market on tuesday night and yikes, it’s a lot better. I think one of the reasons for that is the position, in the square outside the town hall. Williamson square looks a bit tatty these days, despite some investment. A market outside St.Georges, William Brown Street or by Exchange Flags I think would work better. As Manchester proves you don’t have to have it at the heart of the shopping centre.

  5. I also walked around the Liverpool market on Sunday and wondered what it would have been like with a 5D/2 and ISO 12800