Fancy umbrellas

Performers as part of the Lord Mayor’s Pageant.

In other news voting has been open for 6 months on this years 2009 Photoblog and I wanted to thank those of you who have voted so far. Thanks guys. If you’re feeling generous can I ask the rest to vote for the site.

Final news. I’m running the Liverpool Photowalk as part of Scott Kelby’s Worldwide Photowalk Day on July 18th. Signup on the site and details will be announced in the next few days. Most likely late afternoon to evening. Sunset is at 9:40ish so be warned that we could be out late on a Saturday night instead of being out clubbing with the cool kids. 30 places left. 20 have gone in about 8 hours so its filling up fast. Anyone with a camera is welcome. Film or digital.