Girl at Starbucks

I was having a Starbucks drink while chatting with friends and this really nice looking girl sat next to us. I wanted to get a candid shot as she looked lost in thought but I felt intrusive. Its stupid really. I’ve been asking people for photos and doing candid shots for years. I’ve never got over that fear of doing it. Never will I think. Minutes after this portrait the heavens opened and I was happy. Torrential rain makes for interesting shots. So I stood in the middle of Paradise Street snapping away. One photo I took caused a guy to wander over asking why I took a photo of his “bird.” I explained and showed him that I hadn’t. They got a bit defensive about the photo of their friend I took saying I can’t do this n that. I couldn’t really say anything as Liverpool 1 is private property but you know how it is. People are generally suspcious when you point a camera at them. Doesn’t matter that I’ve spent 5 years documenting the city, released books, exhibitions, and all that. “Why’s he taking my photo?” Its a shame but thankfully not everyone reacted that way yesterday and I got a couple of nice photos.

Crown Princess comes in on Monday. Biggest ship ever to enter the Mersey. I’ll hoping for good weather as I have some fun things planned.