Another HDR that I may have gone a little too far with. I wanted to emphasize the colours and slightly surreal aspect of a small army of Superlambananas. Its got a sort of album cover feel and I can’t help but think of the Beatles. No idea why but I look at it and I think ‘Beatles’.
5 responses
Superb ! I wouldn’t worry about the overdoing of the HDR as it’s made this image ‘pop’. I think Beatles crossed with Pink Floyd when I see this, excellent stuff.
Looks like a great use of HDR to me. I dig it. Never be nervous about offending the soulless minions of orthodoxy who seek to deaden and dullify the world (HDR detractors of the world I’m pointing at you!)
Beatles? I think you’re angling for an effects job on Dr Who. Oddly compelling for all it’s OTT.
I would have needs for your councils.
I have just downloaded the last version of Photomatix (3,0,3) and I notice that there is not more possibel to generate an image HDR at the beginning of only one tiff like before! Does my question = how to proceed when one have only one image (tiff or JPEG)?
Thank you in advance,
@Mark – Yeah Beatles. Noooo idea why. Probably some subconscious thing from seeing an album cover as a kid or something.
@Frank – Best thing is to read my hdr guide, at the top of the page, and make 3 tiff’s from 1 RAW.