Designed by Barbara Galt and decorated by children from the local area. Its been HDR’d and split toned as an example in the HDR book I’m doing.

9 responses

  1. I love the post-processing treatment of this,a nd the real reportage / documentary edge to it

  2. Cool wide angle, great processing, this photo works for me.

  3. Excellent composition here. Love the statue.

  4. So when is this HDR book coming out? I find myself wanting it BAD! 😀

    Very nice shot – like the feel to it.

  5. An amazing mood, love it!

  6. nice shot. part frightening. part interesting.

  7. Wonderful composition, the HDR is spot on 🙂

  8. thats realy interesting lovely blue tone how did you doo it.. look at this one i did

  9. Great wide angle and cool compo. Excellent mood!