About 2hrs ago a crane collapsed at Chandlers Warf in Liverpool. I didn’t hear it despite living 2 mins away. I had my door closed and I was trying to get work done. Any loud noises I just assumed were construction / thunder. Then I checked Twitter which had exploded with tweets. Photos were hitting Flickr and Twitpic before the Echo website. Fantastic use of the medium once again proving the importance of Twitter. I grabbed my camera and headed out. Its not every day you see a large crane lying over a building. Its surreal and sort of hard to wrap your head around. Once I turned the corner and I could see the extent of the damage it was clear. The real danger was that there’s a power station right next to that place. The crane could have easily fallen on that and I would hate to think of how bad that would have been. I just hope no-one is injured in there. You can see people in the building being rescued by firemen.
Full story on the Echo site. Follow me on Twitter for any further updates and more local insight as things happen. Only lived here for 2 weeks and its already been a crazy 2 weeks.