A rather fun day yesterday. Initially a bit problematic getting photos of Princess Anne as security were being stupid. They denied the press access and when they eventually let us into Chavasse Park they let the public in too so we were swamped. But other than that a fantastic day. The press office was a latin restaurant called Las Iguanas. We were treated to anything on their menu for the duration of our stay and the guys there were great. I only intended to stay for the Princess Anne bit and fireworks but I stayed for 10 hours. Fashion shows, street photos, incredible rain, robots, fire, music, Alex from the Apprentice, the possibility of random celebs, a goodie bag and fireworks. Just a damn good day really.

Oh yes, in case you haven’t heard James Natchtwey is unveiling something big tomorrow. He’s basically your top notch war photographer. About the best alive today imho.