Liverpool One Opens

This is it right here. The moment when the curtains were drawn back on South John Street. I say street but its all pedestrianised. They say its not a shopping centre but an extension of the city centre. Its hard to say really but there is a shopping centre-esque feel to it. The multi-level street for example does remind me of the Trafford Centre. Its a good start though. The opening was big and flashy with dancers, performers and music. Town was quite packed, as if it were Christmas. It was a little surreal though, standing on the middle level of South John Street and looking down the “street”. It was like being inside the marketing photos. I also got to go up on top of the new Hilton Hotel to get some overview photos. Expect HDR goodness in a few days. It was a scary trip up in the tin can elevator that jumps at every stop. Oh and the railing at the top wobbles. But wow what a view. You can see right over Albert Dock, the arena and Wirral. It was almost a perfect day for it too. A little hazy but hopefully the photos are good. So all in all Liverpool One is looking good.