Liverpool Rollerdisco

I got to see a pretty cool full working rollerdisco last night at Liverpool Uni. All the attendees wore brightly coloured clothes and it was straight out of your classic 80’s pop video. The expressions of comedic fear on some peoples faces were hilarious. I was offered a free go but declined simply because I like the ability to walk around.

4 responses

  1. Awww, you got to go to a rollerdisco and didn’t invite me!
    I used to love going to the rollerdisco 😀 I was a whizz on 8 wheels.

  2. Hi I was there last night, have you got any of the other pic’s?

  3. I laughed when I got this through on my feed just now Pete – declined because you like to walk around lol is this true or are you fibbing a bit because you might have suffered from the same comedic fearful expressions of the skaters? Fab site and fantastic images, found your tut on HDR and photomatix really useful too BTW!

  4. A really cracking shot this one – well done.