I think I have had an off week. Maybe I’ve been trying too hard to make these pictures stand out with cross processing and really loud colours. So I spent a bit of time reworking yesterdays photo, and Sundays too. I’m hoping they work better now. Cross processing has been removed, buildings straightend a touch and overall its better I think. I think I need a break from things to build up my excitement levels again. Its been a long year and having to be on the go nearly every day takes its toll. I guess I need to not photograph anything until I can’t think of anything else and then run at it. That said, HMS Ark Royal is back in this weekend and it might be nice to have a play with my new 14-24. I honestly have no idea how I could make last years shots any better. The lens is sharper, 2mm wider than my previous but I dunno. Anyway, enjoy the new shot. I’ve got some surreal street photos coming this week. Giant balls on Church Street.

One response

  1. “you have to go to the edge to look into the abyss” – sometimes you need to go that far to know where you feel comfortable. I honestly thought yesterday’s shot was ‘a bit too far’. Just don’t fall into the trap of not being able to let go…