The fireworks last night were quite different to what I expected. I was setup with a 10-20 and a 24-70 to get in what I expected to be a skyline of huge fireworks. Annoyingly there was a barge further along the Mersey that no-one mentioned. The “best” view would have been from Seacombe to get in the larger fireworks over the Pier Head. I was a bit annoyed that this information wasn’t publicised as I’m sure most people went to Woodside to be directly opposite the Pier Head. So after 2 minutes I whipped out the 100-400 and swapped it for the 10-20. I managed to get some pretty nice shots with it, good old IS. The Ferry also parked perfectly. I imagine it was quite a site for those on board. I have about 50 good shots that I need to filter down at some point.

Eight Hundred was a success. I managed to get 100 people into 94 prints, as we’re limited by space. I also managed to do it all alone with no-one to bounce off if things went bad. Thankfully nothing like that happened and it was a really enjoyable day.