Day 2 in Niagara Falls started with an omleteless Burger King omlete sandwich thing. It was ok nothing great. I wandered down the hill to the top end of the Falls to get these two HDR shots. Nice early morning light.
You can see just how much water is thrown back up into the cloud by the Falls.
A high speed shot of the water falling over the Falls.
You can see just how close the boat goes to the Falls.
I wandered off to Marineland to check out the seals and dolphins. This was from feeding time.
A sealion makes a splash.
Low flying Dolphin.
Another low flying dolphin. Must have been a big thing that day.
And another.
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Big whale.
The whale enjoys the local humans.
Hello whale. He was having a whale of a time.
Beluga Whale out for a swim.
Crowds enjoying the sights.
Another Beluga whale.
Belguas swimming for the crowds.
Bears being unbearable around each other.
His own private island.
Bambi and friends.
Relaxing in the 34c heat.
American Falls. That line on the left is a trail you can walk to the bottom.