As I mentioned yesterday I had a tour of the Paradise Street Project. I saw John Lewis’s, waked around inside the new Debenhams, wandered down St Thomas Street and other places. The development is incredible. If it pays off it will be a fantastic link between Albert Dock and the city centre. Previously people used to wander through Chavasse Park, hoping to avoid the goths, and head into town. Currently people walk down James Street which is a bit dank at the moment. When everything is finished at Paradise Street people will be able to park up and go for a coffee over looking a fantastic park area with a view of Albert Dock. It’s a strange concept as the park will be 2 stories high over the shops on one side. I can’t wait for it to be all finished so I can get some shots.

So the reasoning behind this shot. The weather was dull yesterday morning. Today is perfect, typically. At the end of the tour the clouds broke up just enough for me to get this photo. Is it too busy, maybe but then the site is incredibly busy. I wanted to get a shot that was powerful to reflect the energy behind this project. Its huge! I’ve got other shots that I’ll be posting over the next few days. I hope to go on another tour later in the year. It’ll be great to see how things are coming along. You can see the work for yourself on their webcams. Though the page doesn’t seem to work properly in Firefox. Many thanks to Grosvenor for the tour.