As some of you may know. I’ve been working on a book called Port of Culture. Its nothing major, just a book of photos. 100 photos of my work in Liverpool over the past few years. The book is currently sitting in Waterstones Liverpool. Its on the ground floor in the local interest section. So, there we go I’ve had the advance a couple of weeks now. I got it on the last day of my 29th year, 1 day before my birthday. I had been a bit depressed about the whole turning 30 thing. But then on the last day my book arrives and blam! Suddenly everything is good. Suddenly the computing degree, the time I spent as a web designer, the money I’ve spent on trying to be a photographer instead of having a life all went away because I made a book. Its a whole real book. ISBN and everything.
To quote Andy Roberts who wrote the foreword;
“I don’t think it is possible for anyone who has even a chance acquaintance with life on Merseyside, cultural or popular, mundane or celebratory, not to recognise the spirit in these images, or the skill which brings them to life. This is a fascinating book.”
There is going to be a book launch. Details are being worked on. Looking to be the first week of Nov, either before or after bonfire day. Ideally after so people don’t have a ready made fire for book burning But yer, a bit odd that the book is out before the launch but its out. I’m not entirely sure when its properly available to buy on Amazon as its still a pre-order.
So thats book one. I’m currently writing book 2 which is the HDR guide book. Essentially how I did half the photos in book 1. That is currently available for pre-order on Amazon. I have weekly deadlines. Basically I have to write 1 chapter a week. Thats on top of current commissions and working on the 3662008 book. I haven’t had to work this hard since my final year of uni. The next 3 months are going to be hard work.