Remeber Saro-Wiwa - 2

Its taken me longer than normal to do these shots because I’m trying to get back into Photoshop. Lightroom is brilliant. It lets me throw 1,000 images at it and convert them to a nice b&w within 10 minutes. Its great, however it does leave your Photoshop skills rusty. I forgot how great layers are, how great dodging and burning is in b&w and simply how powerful it is. This image was converted to HDR from 1 RAW file, tone mapped, dodged and burned and has about 7 layers on it in PS. Its great to play in PS. It makes me feel more like an artist than a Photographer in some ways. I still am a photographer through and through. I saw this image in my head when I was there. Playing in PS allowed me to get what I saw out my head and into a .jpg.