I’ve only been running about 22 months. I went from 0km to 5km to 10km to a half marathon and now I’m training for a full marathon. I’ve lost 6 stone in weight doing this and found that I can do more than just take photographs.

That doesn’t matter though. What matters is that I’ve never used my running legs to raise money for charity, and for that reason I feel ashamed. Many people train and run a 5km race to raise money for something they believe in. I can run a 5km race any day of the week so I wanted to do a run that would really push me. I wanted to do something crazy in the hope that it inspired people to give for my charity of choice. I wanted to make up for all those times days I’ve ran a 5k without raising money.

So this is it. I’m running the Liverpool Marathon and I’ve chosen to run for the RNLI.

My Mum died last year. I asked my Dad what charity she would want me to run for and he said the RNLI. I’m running for them and my Mum. I want to make them both proud.

The RNLI do great work in saving lives. There’s a station that I run past in New Brighton so it’s a charity that’s close to home. I see them training while I’m training. My parents strongly believe in them, as do I.
Please give generously. I was always the lazy kid at school who never did PE. I want to make up for all those years. I want to make up for not running 5k’s for charity. I want to make my Mum proud, and the RNLI proud.

If through running around a bit I can save lives then I’ll run around a bloody lot.

You can donate on my Just Giving page. Please share the link and please donate, even just £1.