9 responses

  1. Wow, Pete, thats breathtaking!

  2. Really, really, really very impressive. Great work.

  3. Mitten Magee Avatar
    Mitten Magee

    My how you have grown Pete, you must be a good 70ft tall now :p Dont know why but the second flag from the left keeps distacting me, and I don’t know why. Cool shot though 😀

  4. Great night picture, love the light and colours.

  5. Beautiful dusk sky. Love the range of colours. Nice work.

  6. Great shot, lovely light and colors, especially the tones in the sky, beautiful stuff 🙂

  7. Too bottom heavy mate 😉

  8. Very impressive for me too. A bit too much (blown out) highlights for my taste. Besides that: perfect!

  9. This is a wonderful night shot.