The Millennium Bridge

This bridge was insanely busy. I even had to queue to take a shot. I would of liked the bridge to be empty, and maybe a nice dramatic sky. However the other day I was at a Henri Cartier-Bresson exhibition. The way he did things was to capture the moment. He wouldn’t crop or edit the photo after. *Snap* and there’s your moment. So given that I couldn’t get a nice bridge shot with flowing lines and great contrasts I went for the moment. I like the way you have 2 people leaving and 2 arriving. I liked all the cranes which look like giants overlooking the city. In the distance I think there is a heard of school kids who turned up on the bridge. Lastly I liked the little cloud passing by. If I was doing a normal architecture shot with no people I would remove the cloud, it doesn’t work. In fact I’m not really sure it works in this shot. However, this was that moment and that cloud was passing by. It has as much right to be in the shot as anything else.

Camera: Canon 30D // Sigma 24-70 // Focal Length: 24.0mm // Exposure Time: 1/1250 // Aperture: f/11.0 // ISO: 400