We’re back!

My fiancé and I have just returned from 3 weeks travelling around Europe. New Brighton, Liverpool, London, Paris, Munich, Budapest, Zagreb, Zadar, Pula, Porec, Slovenia, Venice, Milan, Paris, London, Liverpool, and New Brighton. To put it another way, England, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, France, England. We never travelled by plane so we actually saw these places. We were really connected with the landscape and, while tiring at times, it was incredibly satisfying.

The amazing guys at Fuji leant me a X100 to roadtest on our epic trip. I’ll blog some photos and thoughts at a later date but for now lets just say I killed the battery almost every day and never once thought “If only I had…” 3 weeks, 1 camera, 35mm f/2 fixed lens. Portraits, architecture, and street. It did everything I asked.