Another great #WirralTweetup at Cromwells Restaurant last night. If you don’t know what a Tweetup is its simple. Eat, drink, socialise and raise money for charity. Cromwells, ran by Kay and Kate, put on a great spread of food. I’m a little fussy about food but even I couldn’t pass up a sticky sausage. It was a fun evening catching up with friends and having a laugh.

I mentioned that one of the reasons for a tweetup is to raise money. Last nights was in aid of  CAFT. We raised £175 towards it. Sheila aka sheb57 is planning to trek across the Sahara in aid of CAFT.

Oh and in case you didn’t notice the photographs on the walls are mine. I’ve got a series of 6 in Cromwells, all of the local area. It was a privilege to be asked to display my work there.