Yesterday’s Brouhaha International Street Parade and festival in Princes Park was fantastic. I didn’t get much time to check out all the stages but even without that I managed to rack up 999 shots. I thought it was a bug in Lightroom when it told me that. The parade down Princes Avenue was great. Lots of kneeling on the road in shorts, ouch, and dashing around getting shots. Its not easy when you’re wearing a 10D with 100-400, a 30D with 24-70 and a flash, and a backpack. I nearly walked backwards into a bus at one point. It was such good fun though. I really didn’t feel shy at all. I was snapping away, waving and smiling at people when I got their photo. Everyone was having fun so there were no issues, no-one was angry or upset about having their photo taken. In that sort of atmosphere it really fills you with confidence. My new rule is to shoot everything as I can always delete. My 10D was having issues though. It took about 10 minutes to get it to stay turned on, and it would randomly turn off during the event. If I had the cash spare I’d be heading out to buy a 5D right about now. I have a feeling the 5D will be updated either this August or next Feburary, so I’ve got time to save.

Anyway, to this shot. The brilliant Ballet Entredanzas were at the festival. They are always a joy to photograph. Beautiful, elegant, dramatic and so photogenic. I really want to shoot more dancers. Theres something about the lines and form in their movements. I’ve got a whole series of shots planned this week of just these girls. I’ll try and fit in a flavour of the event slideshow too.