Inside York Minister

Nothing really prepares you for just how big this place is on the inside. It really does seem twice as big on the inside as on the out. This shot took quite a while to fix. Originally I planned to give it my usual HDR treatment, like on the inside of Liverpool’s Anglican Cathedral. However I felt I went just a bit over the line on that shot so I reduced the settings for York. I did plan for it to be in black and white too. I tried that but it didn’t look great, and it lost the amazing pearl white ceiling. This was the main issue. They had a perfect white ceiling but warm lights for the rest of the building. So when I ran it through Photomatix it increased the tint. So I redid the source files adjusting the white balance till I was happy with the walls, ignoring the ceiling for the time being. After that I generated the HDR, tone mapped and loaded it into Photoshop. I then fixed the ceiling so it was the same perfect white colour that I remember. I did some other tweaking to the image and saved the final print. In the end I feel the image isn’t too “HDR” and hopefully gives the impression that I just walked in a took it. Cathedrals are like no other buildings for a sense of sheer presence, for a simple wow. I just wish my 10-20 had the same amount of blades as my 24-70 so the light sources looked more starry. Yes, I’m never happy.

Model: Canon 30D // ISO speed: 100 // Shutter Speed: 25 seconds // Aperture: f20.0 // Metering: Average // Flash: OFF // Focal Length: 10.0 // Sigma 10-20 f/4-5.6 // 3 RAW HDR