What a night. Fire, water, more water, lots more water, fireworks, giant spider about to crush me and a lost hat. Luckily for us we got caught in the wrong area so they had to put us right at the very front. Shame eh. There was no way we could get through the crowd to the press area and I’m glad. I saw the photos on the BBC site and they’ve got lampposts in, trucks, heads and cameras all blocking the view. We got a great clean view of the action, and then soaked. I turned into a tent at one point to protect my gear. I’m normally not that bothered but this was like being in a waterfall. After it had all finished I realised that in the middle of all the action I left my hat in the gutter. Luckily I found it after. Easily the best thing this year. I can’t imagine anything topping it. I literally took my hat off to it.