I’m running the Liverpool Marathon on 9th October this year. I’m raising money for the RNLI and you can donate on Just Giving. I hope to raise over £1,000.
As part of my fundraising I plan to document the people I’m hoping the help, namely the New Brighton RNLI. Over the coming weeks I’ll be profiling the team and documenting their work. On Sunday I met the crew of the hovercraft who were: James Davis, Andy Liston, Simon Clithero, and Paul Wright who commanded the hovercraft.
I’m currently on week 10 of my training. On Sunday I ran 15 miles and it hit me hard. I did a 1 mile cool down walk back home and I honestly thought I would feint. I didn’t think I’d make it home. I got in and weighed myself. I had lost half a stone in water loss. I put my legs up to reduce the lactic acid for a bit. My hands and face had pins and needles and my stomach was like someone was sitting on it. I couldn’t catch my breath at all. After about half an hour I threw up and was finally able to catch my breath. The pins and needles eventually subsided. It was a real wakeup call to what I’m trying to do. For the first time in nearly 2 years I really feel like I’m pushing my body, and it feels like it’s fighting back.