A few months ago I went to North Wales with some mates. I quickly ran them through Lightroom and was happy with the standard black and white conversion. That was until I tried one with HDR and now I’ve got a bag of landscapes from Wales waiting for processing.

11 responses

  1. I love that this isn’t a long exposure 🙂

  2. great photo see my newest photo book here on blurb, let me know what u think,

  3. Amazing fotos! I like this website very much, especially the B/W pictures. My pics arent that good but maybe you would like to check my site, too…

    Greetings, Torben

  4. Nice work, would make a great print!

  5. The dark and the light froth – a beautiful image.

  6. Love the drammatic sky

  7. Nicely stark and punchy

  8. Superb sky, love the contrasts.

  9. Love the angle and the dramatic sky! Great b&w shot!

  10. This is just amazing – i am sooooooo going to buy that HDR book of yours when it gets published 🙂